2011年10月30日 星期日


Orange Juice
Jesus Christ

OJ= Orange Juice, a oraguntan that was once a star in the Pondicherry zoo

JC= Jesus Christ, the Son of God that came to earth to deliver His children from sin

In one of the chapter, there are these formulas that the author gave to the audience as a symbolism:
so.....    OJ = JC ????
Well first off, in order to understand the meaning behind this symbolism, you need to have a background knowledge of who Jesus Christ, the cross, and Orange Juice are connected. So here's the story of Jesus Christ:

Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
Because this world that we live in was so evil that everyone deserve death, it is our wages, but God love the world so much that He gave His only Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus was send to this world as a humble baby, born in a stable and a normal family. He went through what we went through as a human being and He experienced different temptations that we as human being often face. And He pass all these tests and live a perfect and sinless life; He is the only one that can save us from our sin. And He did, He bore the burden of our sin unto His shoulder and He suffer what we should be suffering.
He was crucified, nailed unto the cross. But before this, he went through all these beating and mockery that scorn His body and His heart. The cross that He was nailed unto, was on His shoulder, laying down heavily as He was carrying it up to the mountain where He should be crucified, but we should understand that the sin He was about to carry is way more heavier than the cross. Jesus, the Saviour of our sin, was killed by us. On the cross, He was seen and riducle by the people He wants to save. Jesus, who was perfect and has never experienced sin, had to take what belongs to us, all these filthy and unrighteousness sin, unto Himself. Why? It is simple.
Out of love, for you and me.
It is this simple.
And yes, he die for us, as a sacrificing on the cross.
This is the story of Jesus.

Orange Juice's appearance, in chapter 42, was describe as "a halo of light, as lovely the Virgin Mary", by Pi who was probably mentally ill during that time. And as we go on with the story, we see how the hyena, the most disgusting and needless living creature, quickly deviour the animal on the boat. Starting from the omega-zebra, than to the next, Orange Juice. Next? Orange Juice? Well, it could be Pi too, but Orange Juice stood up and voluntar herself to be the next in line.
She struggle through a fight with the hyena at first, however, she's a fruiteater that knows nothing about killing and she's a female, which is smaller and weaker in size and strength. So at last, she was consume by the hyena with her head fall off. This horrible scene, in Pi's eyes, were described as follow:

Her arms were spread wide open and her short legs were folded together and slightly turned to one side. She looked like a simian Christ on the Cross. Exvept for her head. She was beheaded.

OJ= cross                        JC=Cross
so... JC=OJ
Yes, Orange Juice sacrifice herself and be the next offering for the hyena. The hyena, which is like our sin, killed Orange Juice. And Orange Juice, die in a position so similar to our Saviour, Jesus Christ, that Pi, a lover of religion, can't refrain himself from associating this to the horrible scene of Jesus Christ dying on the cross
Although in reality, Orange Juice may not realize that she is "sacrifing for Pi", because she's probably just jumping out as a respond to the hyena's yipping and fighting just to stay alive, but it's done. And in Pi's eye, this is what it is, Orange Juice sacrifice and provide an emotional support to Pi which later on uphold his hope in the face of more horrific tragedy. So to him, Orange Juice = Jesus Christ.

But there's a follow-up to the story, when Pi was about to give up hope on survivng, Richard Parker appeared between his feet, under the bench. And this added something else to this story, and very likely to the symbolism too. It's unclear yet, what is about to happened, but apparently, there will be something...
Pi: 14 year old boy that love religion
Richard Parker: Just found that he was on the lifeboat too
Hyena: The alpha until the tiger was found
Orange Juice: The "Jesus Christ" that sacrifice herself for Pi
Zebra: Poor creature that was eaten alive

5 則留言:

  1. TOAST Score: 20/20.

    T: 4/4.
    O: 5/5.
    A: 4/4.
    S: 2/2.
    T: 5/5. Betty, this is one of my favorite blog posts I've EVER seen anyone do. Fantastic. From your writing, to your picture... Wow. Epic.

  2. Yay Betty you're awesome!

  3. Thanks for commenting on this, Yalisa! Sadly, none of Betty's classmates commented on it, so they're missing points, but at least you're a rock star!
