2011年10月16日 星期日


In the animal kingdom, there are the alpha-male, or the dominant male among other females. This position is really important because it shows the power of the male animal in its own society. The alpha-male gives orders and directions, and everybody else follow, in the human kingdom, there is also an "alpha-male." They are the ones who people usually listen to in the group, and this position will show that person's social rank and power to other. Usually the alpha-male are the ones that exude great leadership and confidence, but they may not necessary be "males", females can be the "alpha-male" inside the group too. Here are some examples of my years of observation and examination on the "alpha-male" inside my life's groups.

The most recent and daily group that was form in my life, is my school group, which are my friends and I. This group is made up of friends who I hang out most in the school and even in outside activities, and in this group, there are both girls and boys. And it seems like, in this group, the one that most people listen to is Esther, quite obvious. Because whenever we go out, she is always the one who ask where do you guys want to go, but also the one who answer that question (but in a question form). She's also the one whom we always asked and looked for an opinion in the conversation, and also the one we rely the most on. She exude confidence most of the time and she's not scare to be in her own skin. Not all alpha-males are the same in human kingdom, some alpha-males are proud but some are humble, she's more like the humble one. Although she exude confidence, but she does not express arrogance, I think this is one reason that make her the alpha-male in our group.

The second group that I'm going to talk about is my family. I have a faimly of four members, my dad, my mom, my younger sister, and I. And the alpha-male, the one we always ask for opinion and listen to is actually my mom. Although it seems like most of the family is like that too now days, but it is just because mothers are always the one with the most opinions, and fathers are the one with less word to say. But in our family, is not just because of that. My mom is a really stubborn person and she always stands up for what she believes, I didn't mean that this is a bad character or what, it's just that she knows well and have great confidence in what she's saying. Like for example before when we are planning on family trips, she's always the one who research and plans. Then she will tell us places that she found and where she recommands, and if one of us has something to say about it or wants to go somewhere else, she will start telling us the good and bad things to each places, but she will say it in a nice way that we didn't even realize that we are getting deceived. And my dad of course, is the beta. Although my sister is really talkative and have many things to say and she seems like she's the beta, but once my dad compromise, she will too, compromise along, but she probably didn't realize it.

The third group is my grandparents. Although in most people's case, the alpha-male is definately the children, but in our house, it's actually my mother. My mother has three younger sister and one younger brother, and when problems come, it is my mom whom they mostly ask for help. My grandparents will often call her and talk to her about economic issues and some other problems, and then she start delivering a long sermon to them about her opinion and some ancedotes that happened to her friends as an illustration. She's always the one that my uncle and aunties talk to when they have questions. Probably is because she's the older among the other, or probably she's the one with most things to say, but I think she just have something that make her the "alpha-male" in both of the family. So who say the alpha-male is the most attrative, smart, and kind of the arrogant "guy" in the society? It is not necessary the same in Human kingdom as it is in the animal kingdom, there are obviously more to it and also women, could also be the "alpha" in the society.

2 則留言:

  1. TOAST Score: 19/20.

    T: 3/4. Couple of little mistakes. For example, the last highlighted thing should read "I think she just HAS something..."
    O: 5/5. Excellent ideas. And I learned a lot, especially about Esther :-) Don't underestimate yourself, though, Betty. Think about always getting into leadership positions :-)
    A: 4/4.
    S: 2/2.
    T: 5/5.
